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Self Development Coaching

Self-development coaching is about creating change. It’s taking yourself from where you are now to where you want to be.

Self-development coaching is about creating change. It’s taking yourself from where you are now to where you want to be.

  • It’s about using your moral compass to learn about yourself.

  • It’s about using your inner ambitions to direct your decisions about what’s next.

  • It’s about using your needs, wants and desires as drivers to get things done.

  • It’s about setting up an environment to support the person you want to become. 



Change can feel impossibly difficult. Sometimes, the idea of change can feel scary, complicated, messy, confusing, and so overwhelming that it feels easier to bury your head in the sand and procrastinate. 

  • Maybe you may have all of the necessary pieces in life, but none seem to fit together the way you wish. 

  • Maybe you’ve tried and feel you’ve failed, only then to use those failures to justify why we can’t try again. All this results in you feeling stuck and unable to move forward.

  • Your behaviour becomes problematic and feels like it's spiralling out of control, and it all just feels unsustainable.

  • You may even have started unknowingly looking for ways to cope, avoid or distract because you feel helpless, anxious, stressed and as if it’s all become too much.

Why should I think about Self Development Coaching?

What is Self Development Coaching?

Why work with The Self Development Coach

I believe when education meets experience, it creates wisdom. My education includes being a coaching academy, certified behavioural change coach and level 3 certified in counselling studies. 


I continue to learn from the guests during The Self Development Podcast, where I speak to industry-leading professionals and people that have survived some of life's most challenging situations. 


I am a public speaker for online and in-person businesses, schools, colleges, charities, and various communities. I also produce educational masterclasses to support people with common problems, mental health challenges and emotional regulation. 


That said, my experiences with surviving childhood trauma and physical abuse, witnessing domestic violence, and alcohol addiction means I have a way of understanding people that cannot be taught. 


They say that knowledge is power, but I strongly believe that the application of knowledge is the real power. I will never claim to have the solution to your problems, but I am confident I can draw the solutions out of the only person that has them… which is you.

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How to work with The Self Development Coach

The simplest way is to schedule a free chemistry call so we can have an informal chat and see if we can work together. I only work with people in blocks of three sessions as I have found that this is the most effective way to make progress towards change.


At the end of the three sessions, if you would like to continue, you can book three more sessions. Although you can book your sessions below, it’s recommended that if you haven’t worked with me before, you begin with a chemistry call.

Coaching Services

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